
Monday 14 May 2012

Days in Lancashire........

Time for an update before I move on. A wonderfully relaxing few days with family and spending some time exploring areas where my Grandparents and Great grandparents lived in the 19th century, and taking some glorious walks in the countryside.

The picture above is a street in Horwich where a number of family members lived over a period of years, and the one below is the back of the house my mother lived in when she was 5. Unfortunately I couldn't get round to the front. The original street in front of the house has been redesigned and has become private gardens. But it was something of a thrill to see the original back gate that she would have passed through around 1911.

Mum's childhood home

Neither of the photos are as good as I would have liked
but once again not only was it raining and cold but I had to

juggle a backpack, brolly and camera, and I am not altogether
comfortable running around photographing private homes!

Maybe the Aussie accent would have come in handy.

A couple of days were fine and sunny with a bit of a breeze 
and perfect walking weather.

Rivington Presbyterian Chapel

As far as I know this is the Presbyterian Church that my Grandparents chose for their marriage on 25 June 1896.
We spent quite some time that day looking for the building the wedding party were standing in front of when they had their group photo taken, but we were eventually disappointed to discover that it had probably been demolished in 1901. Looking through the windows of the church, (and standing in a bed of nettles) you could see the wonderful old dark wood of the pews which were more like stalls.

Part of the hills surrounding the walk at White Coppice. Couldn't manage a photo of me being chased by the sheep as we walked through their fields, and as for one of me climbing stiles - no, definately not!

Very nice!

Lovely brick work

Village green

That's all for now. Tomorrow I am on my way to the Yorkshire Dales. I am keeping my fingers crossed for some nice sunny weather, and the Wensleydale cheese factory is high on the 'to do' list.

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